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S285 … it is PERSONAL

What have you done to help one child?



An associate mentioned to me recently that “I should not take it personally” related to something with our school choice advocacy for S285, the PACE/ACE Scholarship Bill (see HERE & HERE).

It was not like there was any heated discussion … just a general statement about the overall “fight” for any legislative measure.  In fact I tell people all the time this is a long game … don’t burn out … so in some respects I agreed.

But as I thought about it … I actually SHOULD take it personally.  Personally in the sense that it motivates me to push HARDER.  In fact we all should get (pardon my language) … REALLY PI**ED OFF … when we see legislators and others purposefully quashing game changing legislation that will change children’s lives.

S285 is not some unusual or untested school choice gimmick.  350,000 kids a year get scholarships under similar programs in 30 +/- other states.  The structure has been around for over 25+ years.  No Tax Credit Scholarship (TCS) program like it has ever been found unconstitutional.  Georgia non-profits raised $120 MILLION for their program in 1 day this year (HERE) … citizens love these programs!!!  

And worse … it actually worked in South Carolina for three years (2014, 2015 & 2016) until corrupt political operatives, monied special-interest, and self-interested “Republican” legislators DESTROYED IT … and in turn destroyed the lives of children with special needs … and a lot more.

YES … we should take it PERSONALLY!!!

Why should we take it personally?  Because between 2014 and 2016, when our independent 501(c)(3) non-profit was one of five involved in the administration of the special needs school choice program (as it is run by independent non-profits in 30 other states) … we helped increase attendance substantially at good Christian & “unwoke” private schools.  It wasn’t rich kids … it was middle and lower class kids with special needs that could not afford these private schools without our help.

EXAMPLE #1:   One dyslexia school went from 70 something kids to over 130 … in just 3 years. Many of those kids could not read when they were first enrolled, but within months (and in some cases weeks) they could read and no longer thought they were just “stupid”.  That is life-changing.

EXAMPLE #2:   Another one of our full spectrum special needs schools went from 5 kids to over 30 in those three years. The kids getting help were the poorest of the poor. Instead of being stuck in a corner of a public school classroom where they were mocked and bullied, those kids found a FAMILY. A real family and a place to belong feel loved, accepted and most importantly being able to learn.  It truly was a beautiful place, and the thought of what happened to that school (it is now closed because of the government takeover of the program) drives me daily to push harder.

EXAMPLE #3:   We also gave a scholarship to a kid who was left under a bridge as an infant.  Yes, left under a real overpass bridge … like in a movie, but it wasn’t a movie.  The child had problems – who would not … and no big public school classroom with 30 kids could provide what that child needed … and the family that adopted the child could not afford a $20,000 a year private school.  Well, we paid half of the tuition (the $10,000 legal limit at the time) and the school generously waived the other half … so that child was provided the help the needed. 

And that is our “WHY”, because of 10,000 kids just like this, because they are out there and they are NOT receiving the help today!

Haters to Blame:  There are some bitter, angry and envious folks out there who might say we are full of it … the political gadflies … ones who falsely accuse us of some personal financial interest … but what have those people done for a single kid?  A specific child whose life has changed because of what they did, legislatively? They have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING … just part of the status quo do nothing problem … but they are full of complaints and GOSSIP … and I would not want to be in their shoes when they reach the pearly gates.

Legislators to Blame:  And yes, there are some innocent elected officials and others that don’t really know what is going on … even though they should know better than to plead ignorance, and they should be asking us what’s up.  But there are some elected officials and bureaucrats that know EXACTLY what they have done (or allowed to be done) to children.  It is why I have a “difference” with certain legislators … especially those that cry for liberty & school choice the loudest … our self professed legislative “champions” … yet they sit quietly if it might impact their re-election … or offend the HATERS.  It is not because I have some “political battle” with these people … or they are political opponents … in fact we could be their biggest allies … but because of their silence many would consider them hypocrites.  They know exactly what they need to do … and they refuse.

WHY WE ALL SHOULD TAKE IT PERSONAL?  We should because it is our civic duty … it is our cause and our cross to bear … much like many of you have your cause you fight for and take foolishness personally.  And we do if for how we have seen first hand how children’s lives … a lot of children in fact … were changed in just a few short years from 2014 – 2016.  We stayed in this fight for those kids and families that have no voice … and because of the CORRUPTION we saw.  We have been personally pummeled with lies you could not imagine … as well as so much hate it would blow your mind.  

But we put up with it … and will not quit … because we WILL help those 10,000 kids.




Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Interestingly … Braylee Estep can attend the SCGOP State Executive Committee meetings … unlike the elected State Executive Committeeman from the largest county in South Carolina representing 12% of the entire state.

June 19th, 2023 Article: HERE

December 15th, 2023 Article: HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, we want to hear from you! Send in your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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mySCGOP Online Precinct ReOrg Manual

Empowering South Carolinians Though Precinct Engagement



We have been teaching Precinct ReOrg here in South Carolina since 2021 … and participation has increased substantially for The People in 2021 & 2023 … it worked … and we want to make #ReOrg2025 will be the BIGGEST EVER!!!

And obviously we have gotten A LOT of questions over the years.

We believe ReOrg should be a transparent & fair process … but the RINOs don’t want you to know about it … and they cheat.  Y’all know our theory … the RINOs want to “Keep it small to control it all.”  We however what EVERYONE to know about ReOrg … because we trust The People … and we don’t want anyone controlling the Party … especially RINOs.

Over the past four years we have shared A LOT with our morning emails (like this) … and shared these articles on … everything from data, Rules, tactics & strategies to further the MAGA America First Agenda here in South Carolina … to empower The People to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! 

But … we still get A LOT of questions on the nuts & bolts of ReOrg … the “basics” … especially from the sooooooo many new Patriots getting involved every day … so we thought it would be helpful to put our REORG MANUAL online … on a dedicated website with all the basics … all the ABCs … on “.xyz” ….   

Take a look … let us know your thoughts, any edits, any additions … and let’s teach EVERYONE about ReOrg.  We will be adding more … but email us at

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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Unity of MISSION – Three Part Litmus Test

RINO or NOT? #UNITY of Mission



One of the toughest things to figure out is “who” someone really is especially in the political arena. Are they honest brokers and fighting for America FIRST … or are they subversive, self interested, and saying one thing, while doing another?

We have been talking with grass roots activist, GOP Party members, and legislators / candidates about this “problem” … the problem of identifying “who” is good and “who” is lying about their true intentions … and we have formulated a THREE PART LITMUS TEST to help uncover the truth about folks.

This is intended primarily for candidates and elected officials … you know, the men & women who have stepped up to be LEADERS … but it can be generally applied to anyone involved in South Carolina politics.

TEST #1 – the SCGOP Ethics Test:  Everybody is aware that the SCGOP state leadership is “establishment” and generally rogue in their actions.  SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick actively and openly opposed the RNC TRUMP Team at the National Convention in Milwaukee last month … bitter over being removed from his position as RNC Co-Chair (with Ronna McDaniel) … and that is the reason the SC Delegation was seated in the far back of the convention floor, literally behind Guam!!!

Opposing the TRUMP Team is one thing, but we have also seen the SCGOP State Leadership & State State Executive Committee twist and violate their own Rules (and state law) to suit their “establishment” objectives.  Rules for thee, but not for me.  This includes such recent findings as the barring of the three duly elected National Delegates in Congressional District 01 (which was reversed by the RNC), reversal of the election of America First supporter Cynthia Oney Jones as Chairman in Congressional District 01, the improper removal of Pamela Godwin as the Lexington County Chairman, the illegal takeover of the Greenville County Republican Party ReOrg in 2023 … and the failure to seat Jeff Davis (Chairman of this organization, mySCGOP) as the duly elected GCRP State Executive Committeeman … just to name a few.  All this can no longer stand!!!

Litmus Test Question 1 (SCGOP Ethics), as an elected official (and really for anyone), will you actively step-up and speak out about the rogue activities, obvious rules & legal violations, and other objectively bad deeds being perpetrated by the SCGOP State Leadership & State Executive Committee?  If not, why should we support you as an “elected leader”?  Leaders are supposed to lead, not cower to the establishment because they don’t want to offend anybody and they want to get re-elected. 

TEST #2 – the Character Test:  Politics is nasty.  We see all the rude and disgusting behavior … and outright lies … going on 24/7 on social media and in different meetings / gatherings … and often being perpetrated by people with real criminal records.  And then we see the same people, the ones being nasty and lying online, in social media pictures / interviews working with and being supported by elected leaders … elected leaders that often actively encourage the nasty behavior and lies being spread when it “benefits” them … and then we see the same elected leaders “crying” about the lies being told about them.

All of this needs to stop, and anyone … especially elected official … tolerating or actively encouraging this nasty behavior is NO LEADER!!!  America FIRST does not tolerate this, and anyone that does, is NOT America FIRST.  

Litmus Test Question 2 (Character), as an elected official (and really for anyone), will you actively correct the nasty behavior of people that you associate with or that support you, and if they refuse to correct their actions will you disavow and un-associate yourself with these people and their actions?

TEST #3 – the Legislative Test:  Oh, and this is the key … the MONEY and petty personal differences that influence folks in South Carolina “politics”.  WE have discussed extensively here the issues with School Choice … which involves BILLIONS OF DOLLARS … and how elected officials, even those claiming to be for “limited government & freedom” (namely the SC Freedom Caucus), are pushing for 100% government control over our children from pre-K reading to graduation.  We see this clearly in the fight over School Choice (100% gov’t run ESAs vs. Free-Market, limited gov’t, Tax Credit Scholarships which we support) … and we see this with the passage of the First Steps Accountability Act (which we knew nothing about) in the dark of the night in the summer of 2023 (See Part 1 HERE & Part 2 HERE).

This is a simple set of legislation that has to do with our children and our future … and worse it has to do with MONEY, like BILLIONS, which is why it truly exposes “who” elected officials really are.  This set of legislation, beyond anything else, is crystal clear.  Anyone who would allow for and promote the needless suffering of K-12 children … especially those K-12 children with special needs as this battle has done … and those that want the government to have control over our children … are not America First and do not need to be in elected office or anywhere near politics.

Litmus Test Question 3 (Legislative), as an elected official (and really for anyone), will you (#1) actively support real independent free-market school choice, (#2) actively oppose 100% government run private & Christian school Choice, and (#3) actively support the REVERSAL of the First Steps Accountability Act passed in the summer of 2023?

This is it!!!  We have tried it out on all sorts of different elected officials, candidate and SCGOP party leaders / activist … and it works every time.

Let us know your thoughts.   Email us at and make any suggestions your like.

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).


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RULE 6 – Congressional District Organizations

Read and Learn



SCGOP Rules (v2022-07-30):  HERE

Yesterday we shared with you the CALL TO CONVENTION for the 7 SCGOP Congressional District Conventions coming up in April (HERE).   All America FIRST SCGOP State Delegates should REGISTER … and attend!!!  Consider it mandatory to #SaveSouthCarolina!!!  😉 

Well, guess what … there are 3 1/2 pages of “Rules” about these 7  SCGOP Congressional District Organizations … including details on the conventions.

We won’t repeat the entire Rule 6 here … it is 3 1/2 pages … but click below … read Rule 6 … and let us know if you have any questions or see anything interesting.  It is critical to know the RULES!!!

READ RULE 6:  “Congressional District Organization” – HERE

March 28th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Jan 19th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

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ESA Supreme Court Oral Arguments – Disaster!

Unconstitutional again??? For the THIRD time???



5 Minute YouTube Video: HERE

  • $55 MILLION for “real” School Choice READY TODAY!!!
  • S285 has already PASSED the SC Senate (28 to 9 vote)!!!
  • S285 is just sitting in the SC House waiting to be passed.
  • Could be passed, AS-IS, No Changes and be law within a week.
  • $11,000 scholarships for special needs … not $6,000 like ESA.
  • $11,000 scholarships for low income … not $6,000 like ESA.
  • 100% Constitutional … not like the ESA.
  • No Gov’t Strings Attached … not like the ESA.
  • Approved by Homeschoolers / HSLDA … not like the ESA.
  • All sides say they support it … not like the ESA.
  • Nearly UNIVERSAL School Choice!!!
  • All families up to 400% of poverty are eligible ($124,800 for a family of 4).

ESA Supreme Court Oral Arguments: This past Wednesday March 6th, the SC Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the lawsuit claiming (as we believe) that the ESA / Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) program is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

You all recall that a substantially similar ESA program was twice ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL back in 2020 … both decisions were unanimous 5 to 0 opinions … and that point was made very clear by Chief Justice Donald W. Beatty (HERE) as the hearing began.  The Chief Justice was unrelenting in his disdain for the ESA program … probably more that a judge should be in open court … but the other Justices were not very easy on the matter either.

Acting Justice, Chief Judge James E. Lockemy (HERE) of the SC Court of Appeals made a huge issue of whether the Superintendent of Education could even administer the program … based on the fact that her Constitutional Duty was to represent Public Schools.  That was a new twist, and not a good sign for the ESA pushers. 

 Watch the 1 hour & 7 minute video of the hearing yourself:  HERE

You never know what may happen … and we are sure the “politicians” electing these SC Supreme Court Justices have been working them hard to rule their “monied special interest” ESA bill is legal … but it could very well be that the SC Supreme Court rules this program unconstitutional for a third time.

The 2020 ESA decision was originally heard on September 18th, 2020, with the decision filed on October 7, 2020 … just 3 weeks later.  Legislators (and families / schools) need to know before the 2024 legislative session ends in early May, so the clock is ticking. 

Surprisingly, very few mainstream media outlets are reporting on this … but you can see what Alexander Thompson of The Post & Courier (HERE) and Seanna Adcox of the SC Daily Gazette (HERE) and Jeffrey Collins of the Associated Press (HERE) had to say about the oral arguments. 

PASS S285 – “real” School Choice:  S285 has already passed the SC Senate and is objectively “better” than the 100% Government Run / government strings attached ESA program … so why are legislators delaying???   What do we say … #FollowTheMONEY!!!

Call your SC House Legislators TODAY!!!

March 6th, 2024 Oral Arguments Video:

Watch the 1 hour, 7 minute oral arguments:  HERE

The 2020 ESA Program using the same ClassWallet (HERE) online portal was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL as a prohibited “direct” benefit to private schools.

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/11/2024):

  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 5 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 21 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 92 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 239 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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H5164 – Universal Gov’t Run School Choice is BAD for ALL!

Bad for Homeschool & Private Schools



H5164 Bad for Homeschool & Private Schools

We have seen A LOT of “Call To Action” alerts going out on social media and via email about defeating H5164 as it includes homeschoolers in the 100% Government Run ESA Program (aka ESTF Program).

Well … that is nice … but realize if we simply get the home school provision removed … THAT IS NOT A VICTORY!!!

If H5164 … the 100% government run school choice program is bad for homeschoolers … it is equally as bad for ALL K-12 education … that includes Private & Christian Schools as well. Right?

It may feel like an “easy” win to remove homeschoolers from H5164 … heck the uniparty may have included homeschoolers just as a “red herring” to give grassroots a perceived (yet fake) win if legislators do ultimately remove homeschoolers.

Stand up for ALL kids … oppose H5164 for the right reasons … for ALL the reasons. Don’t miss the big picture in order to “feel good” about a fake win.  

We don’t want 100% government control of our education system …  PERIOD!!!  100% government control is the problem … not just the fact homeschoolers are included in this v02 of SC Superintendent Ellen Weaver & her monied special interest (i.e., ClassWallet) ESA / ESTF Program.



PASS S285: Whether some folks like it or not … the “only” solution to fighting back against 100% government run school choice is for the SC House of Representatives to pass S285 (HERE). The SC Senate has already passed it … we are just waiting for the SC House to DO SOMETHING … to pass S285 as-is, with not changes … and send it straight to the Governor for signing!!!

The (P)ACE Tax Credit Scholarship Bill is the grandaddy of school choice in our nation … and it is the “only” school program designed to FIGHT BACK against government overreach into our private schools & homeschoolers. Wouldn’t that be a good thing for SC Patriots to have on their side fighting government overreach everywhere?

Why else do you think SC House Legislators on both sides are trying to defeat it? 😉

DEFINITION: red herring (noun), something intended to distract attention from the real problem.

03/05/2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/08/2024):

  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 8 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 24 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 95 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 242 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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BREAKING … Haley OUT at 10AM




As expected, President DONALD TRUMP had a swath or crushing victories in yesterday’s SUPER TUESDAY primaries.

Haley did however win one state … VERMONT … home of Socialist US Senator Bernie Sanders.  Like her victory over the weekend in Washington, DC … it’s nothing to be super proud of (HERE).

Nikki Haley’s Campaign went “dark” for hours last night … and this morning they announced she will be suspending her campaign today at 10AM.

Watch the livestream below … 

USA Today Livestream:  HERE

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/06/2024):

  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 10 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 26 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 97 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 244 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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