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Georgia & NC State Convention Report

Both dramatically different from the SCGOP Convention



This past weekend both the North Carolina & the Georgia GOP State Conventions were held … and both were dramatically different from the SCGOP Convention held in Lexington on May 20th.

National Showcase Speakers!!!

First of all, both the NC and the Georgia conventions had national showcased speakers. Even though both conventions were on the same day, President TRUMP himself spoke live & in-person in both NC & Georgia.

Vivek Ramaswamy spoke at the Georgia GOP Convention and committed to pardon President TRUMP on Day #1 (Jan 20th, 2025) if elected.

“It would be much easier for me to win this election if Trump weren’t in the race, but I stand for principles over politics. I commit to pardon Trump promptly on January 20, 2025 and to restore the rule of law in our country,” Vivek said.

Even though DeSantis & Pence backed out of the Georgia GOP Convention last minute … they did both speak at the NC Convention.

Although not really a big surprise given their poor polling numbers and expected lack of grassroots delegate support in both Georgia & NC, Tim Scott & Nikki Haley were nowhere to be seen.

However, as an added bonus … Kari Lake was the keynote speaker at a dinner Friday night at the Georgia GOP Convention.

Both Conventions were TELEVISED!!!

Next, both the NC and the Georgia conventions were televised live!!! Like serious national press coverage … livestreaming both events to a worldwide audience … and with the global press in attendance.

It was a showcase event for their respective GOPs and their respective States.

The SCGOP Convention … a complete dud as it relates to the video & national press coverage. We do not believe they were allowed by the SCGOP to video or livestream the event.

Both Conventions were HUGE Events!!!

Both conventions were HUGE events where Republicans in both states could RALLY around the Republican cause. The Georgia GOP State Convention alone had 2,261 DELEGATES (compared to 943 for SC), plus alternates … and along with the Press, their convention allowed guests to attend the event as well.

It was celebration and rallying point to kickoff the 2024 presidential election season for both states. Both will be key states in the general election.

The GAGOP gave 7 1/2 Months Notice!!!

And whereas the SCGOP Convention date & location was withheld until the last moment here in South Carolina … the Georgia “2023 Convention Call” was made on October 24th, 2022 … nearly 7 1/2 months in advance.

The GAGOP Convention was a 3 DAY Event!!!

Although the SCGOP State Convention was an in & out affair … as fast as possible … the Georgia GOP State Convention was a 3 DAY EVENT!!!

It was not necessarily cheap … but although that can be an issue for some (which can be addressed in other ways) … it was a fantastic opportunity to come together and RALLY for the Republican cause.

Given the division in the SC Republican Party … we could have really used this sort of a format … that is “if” the SCGOP leadership really wanted unity, which we do not think they do since they are the source of the division with the SC Republican Party.

Remember … they want to “Keep it SMALL, to control it ALL!!!”

Tons of Convention Information:

And this was mind blowing. Go to the Georgia GOP website. There is a TON of information on the GAGOP Convention.

As compared to the SCGOP Convention … it was like pulling teeth to find any information whatsoever and we could not even get the agenda or convention rules until we got to the convention … and even the Resolutions to be passed (and a few FAQs) were only published 3 days prior to the convention. What a mess!!!

Most Importantly … No Democrat Representation!!!

And this was the kicker!!! We have not surveyed other states, but we did notice that in at least Georgia, the state delegate allocations for counties are made based on REPUBLICAN VOTERS … not population like in South Carolina. Ask yourself, why do Democrats get representation in the SCGOP?

We noticed this problem when Drew McKissick tried to ramrod H 4066 through the SC Legislature in an obvious attempt to give himself more “power” over the SCGOP. That effort passed the SC House in record speed since McKissick obviously has a great many allies there … but it failed in the SC Senate where we are told he is not liked.

SIDE NOTE: Maybe the fact Drew McKissick has more “friends” in the SC House explains why he apparently was able to stop / stall the $55 MILLION “real” school choice bill (PACE / ACE – S285) in the House while it passed in the Senate. Hmmmm …

Why not with the SCGOP Convention?

All of the above makes total sense to us … it is businesslike … and it is what leaders would be doing if they wanted to #GrowTheGOP here in South Carolina.

But as you know SC is “different” … and as we teach … the “establishment” appears to simply want to “Keep it SMALL, to control it ALL!!!”

Certainly NC & GA have their own problems and concerns with the “establishment” Republicans in those two states … but at least they seem interested in growing their respective GOPs and providing a more open and transparent process than what is ramrodded through here in SC.



Happy Sunday – March 31st, 2024

Matthew 28:6



He was mocked, beaten, abused … he was hung on the cross. He conquered the power of sin. He defeated death! He did it for YOU and ME. He did it for the sins of this world. HE IS RISEN!

May the meaning of Easter, the risen Lord, fill your heart with love, compassion and hope.

Happy Easter! 🌿

“He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.”
Matthew 28:6

To repeat from last Sunday (HERE), today is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week … the most sacred week! Let’s use this time to reflect on the unfathomable obedience, love and compassion that we are gifted daily, by our Savior.

Happy Sunday!

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RULE 6 – Congressional District Organizations

Read and Learn



SCGOP Rules (v2022-07-30):  HERE

Yesterday we shared with you the CALL TO CONVENTION for the 7 SCGOP Congressional District Conventions coming up in April (HERE).   All America FIRST SCGOP State Delegates should REGISTER … and attend!!!  Consider it mandatory to #SaveSouthCarolina!!!  😉 

Well, guess what … there are 3 1/2 pages of “Rules” about these 7  SCGOP Congressional District Organizations … including details on the conventions.

We won’t repeat the entire Rule 6 here … it is 3 1/2 pages … but click below … read Rule 6 … and let us know if you have any questions or see anything interesting.  It is critical to know the RULES!!!

READ RULE 6:  “Congressional District Organization” – HERE

March 28th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Jan 19th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

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FITS 2024

Upcoming Congressional and State Convention

EVERYONE who is a MAGA / America FIRST state delegate or state alternate should attend



A few months ago we introduced you all to the every FOUR YEAR SCGOP Congressional & State Conventions held prior to the RNC NATIONAL CONVENTION where we will select the GOP Presidential Candidate (HERE).

With South Carolina leading the way … we know that the GOP nominee will be President TRUMP … but very few people seem to know about these upcoming Congressional Conventions or the State Convention.

South Carolina has 50 National Delegates & 50 National Alternates to send to the RNC National Convention this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Monday, July 15th, 2024 – Thursday, July 18th, 2024.

Well … now we know the dates and times for selecting those 50 NATIONAL DELEGATES & 50 NATIONAL ALTERNATES … and EVERYONE who is a MAGA / America FIRST state delegate or state alternate should attend!!! Your attendance is “mandatory” if for no other reason than to “learn” about the process … but to also support your America FIRST candidates for the available positions. #VoteAmericaFIRST!!!

Do you really want Nikki Haley supporters going to the RNC National Convention? Hmmm … think about it.

If you were a STATE DELEGATE or a STATE ALTERNATE … here is the Eventbrite link to register for your respective CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION.

All SCGOP Congressional Conventions: HERE

1st District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

2nd District – Tuesday, April 23rd at 7PM: HERE

3rd District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

4th District – Saturday, April 20th at 9AM: HERE

5th – District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

6th District – Saturday, April 20th at NOON: HERE

7th District – Saturday, April 6th at 10AM: HERE

(*Verify all dates and times on SCGOP Eventbrite)

Yes you should go!!! Reunite with fellow America FIRST friends, learn the process, and support your respective America FIRST candidates.

Elections will consist of a Congressional District Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary … as well as 3 National Delegates + 3 National Alternates.

Be warned however, if you want to be a NATIONAL DELEGATE or ALTERNATE, you will have to cover your own travel and lodging cost which are estimated to be around $3,500 … so don’t run for a spot if you can’t go for the full week or would rather spend your dollars at the beach this summer.

We don’t know the location or time yet … but we do know the STATE CONVENTION will be on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 … presumably somewhere central in the midlands / Columbia / Lexington area.  It will be BIG and like the state convention last May 2023 with 943 STATE DELEGATES & 943 STATE ALTERNATES eligible to attend.

At the convention we will elect the remaining 29 NATIONAL DELEGATES & 29 NATIONAL ALTERNATES.

The 2nd reason to show up for the STATE CONVENTION … we have heard that Drew McKissick and the RINO Establishment want to push through more “Rule Changes”.  They did this to slow down the America FIRST movement with their “Special Called Convention” on July 30th, 2022 … let’s see what tricks they may have in store for us this May 4th, 2024.

The RINOs don’t have the numbers now like they did in 2022 … but we have to SHOW UP!!!


Jan 24th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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FITS 2024

Truth Social … now Publicly Traded!

TRUMP’s personal net worth skyrocketed by $4 BILLION



Yahoo Finance “DJT”:  HERE

Monday March 25th, 2024, will go down in history as a really, really, really GOOD DAY for President TRUMP!!!

First, a New York Appeals Court lowered the insane $454 million court bond payment to appeal the New York AG’s case to an equally insane, but manageable, $175 million bond.  That reduction as well as an extension of 10 days appears to be enough grace for President TRUMP to fulfill the obligation and preserve his properties in the State of New York.

DC_Draino (HERE) had the best meme of the day … 

DC_Draino Video:  HERE

Truth Social goes PUBLIC!!!

  • $4 BILLION!!!

But the YUGE news for President TRUMP from March 25th, 2024, is finally … TRUTH Social will be a publicly traded company … and the stock symbol … get ready for it … DJT!!! You can’t make this up either!!!

The government approval / administrative process which should have taken 3 or 4 months … took TRUTH Social nearly 2 years. No, you really can’t make this up either, and yes this is happening in America, in our Republic.

But as with most bad deed … the finalization of the technical merger to allow TRUTH Social to become a publicly traded company could not have come at a better time as he seemingly solidifies his position for the 2024 November election.

Now with public valuation data, TRUMP’s personal net worth skyrocketed by $4 BILLION sending him onto the Bloomberg 500 wealthiest list for the first time ever … and that is before the 43% stock price increase so far today on the first day of trading.

Good things happen to good people … so keep fighting folks!

Yahoo News Article:  HERE

Yahoo Finance “DJT”:  HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Happy Sunday – March 24th, 2024

Philippians 2:8



Today is Palm Sunday (HERE), the start of Holy Week … the most sacred week! Let’s use this time to reflect on the unfathomable obedience, love and compassion that we are gifted daily, by our Savior. The triumph over sin, sacrifice, forgiveness, hope, faith, are few more things to reflect on during this special time …

Let us know what do you do to celebrate the Holy Week!

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:8

To repeat from last Sunday (HERE), God’s plans for his children unfold in the simplest ways of our daily lives. How often do you question God’s purpose … his plan … and simply ask, why God? 

Happy Sunday!

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FITS 2024

Candidate Filings

SEI & Campaign Finance Disclosures



SC Ethics Commission – SEI: HERE

This week we have learned how to “track” candidates (HERE) and how much it costs to file to run for office (HERE)! Today, let’s review the Candidate Filings.

Statement of Economic Interests (SEI)

The general idea of the Statement of Economic Interests is as stated, to disclose the candidate’s or elected official’s “economic” or financial interest. Read more about it HERE and in the mySCGOP article below … and have fun looking up the SEI of your favorite politicians!

Campaign Finance Disclosures
Campaign Finance Disclosures (initial, quarterly, pre-election & final) are for reporting the donations and expenditures of candidate’s campaign account. Remember – if you intend to spend any money on your campaign, you will need to open a separate campaign bank account – you cannot use your personal one!

As with any filing, there are deadlines on the Campaign Finance Disclosures that is YOUR responsibility to follow. For State and Local 

candidate campaign filings you would go to  to file while for Federal positions (US House & Senate), you would got to
For more details click HERE or the mySCGOP article below.

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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