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FITS 2024

South Carolina … A State of Corruption

“Uniparty” corruption is a bi-partisan issue




(Video: HERE)

Today is the day … Tuesday January 9th, 2024 … the first day of the second half of the 2023-2024 SC Legislative Session.  It is a day of hope and anxiety for many Patriots wishing to make a better South Carolina … and a day of opportunity for many self-interested “grifters” wishing to line their pockets.

We started off yesterday at the First Monday in Greenville (HERE) annual luncheon with the SC Speaker of the House.  It is a ceremonial kickoff each year to the start of a new session, and Speaker Murrell Smith (HERE) presented an inspirational look at the accomplishments of the past year and a peak ahead into 2024.  He spoke for just under an hour … but we could have listened for two hours as the Speaker was informative and had a notebook full of info to share.

However, afterwards we hit the road to Columbia for Chair Pamela Godwin’s Lexington County Republican Party’s (LCRP) monthly meeting … this time to hear Solicitors David Pascoe (D – Orangeburg), Kevin Bracket (R – York) & Rick Hubbard (R – Lexington).

[NOTE: Solicitor Pascoe led the SC Statehouse corruption investigation (HERE & HERE) several years ago that led to indictments and resignations of numerous … but in our opinion not enough … sitting legislators.]

We had Solicitor David Pascoe speak to the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) two years ago on January 6th, 2022 … and I personally took a lot of heat as a Republican Chairman inviting a Democrat to speak at our meeting … but “uniparty” corruption is a bi-partisan issue and we are dedicated to exposing and eliminating it here in South Carolina.

No half measures … all the way!!!

Since that initial GCRP presentation in 2022, Solicitor Pascoe has brought on a host of bi-partisan solicitors & sheriffs from all across South Carolina to his cause … and I frankly was floored to hear (as a guest, not a host) more detailed specifics about what we all know is going on behind the curtain.

Pascoe and his team’s primary cause is JUDICIAL REFORM (see HERE) … but let me assure you the corruption is EVERYWHERE. And it is not just financially motivated … in many cases it is just plain “pettiness”. Like high school bullies, these folks are willing to let South Carolina and our people suffer so they can have their jollies.

We see it in our school choice fight … and we see it literally everywhere in SC Politics … and we are backed up by some serious legal professionals “risking it all” as well. #NeverSurrender!

Watch the video (HERE). Each segment is a story unto itself, so we may need to break this 2 hour and 7 minute video down into smaller pieces … but here is the video in the raw.

YouTube Video:  HERE

WE ALL MUST STAND UP! Whether folks fully see it or not, we are building an ARMY to take on this corruption … an ARMY to fix your cause (whatever it might me) and my cause (school choice) … and our ARMY starts within our respective political parties. #FireDREW!

We have to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH … and we can’t accept half measures … and as the America FIRST movement takes over here in South Carolina … honest brokers willing to work across party lines for a better South Carolina are winning.

Know too we can’t fall for their tricks either. Keep your eye on MISSION … and if your legislator is full of “excuses” … he or she needs to be replaced. No more “go along to get along”. NAMING NAMES … NO SYMPATHY … and we are not falling for their tricks anymore. SERVICE over SELF … PERIOD!!!

And this is hard for some to hear … but we can’t fall for the grandiose promises of self-professed “fighters” … who talk a good game … but when you look a little deeper, do they really stand up when it matters? Or are they grifting off the liberty movement for their own enrichment?

WE have a lot of work to do friends … no shortcuts here … and no fear that we won’t win this fight either. Good always prevails … eventually. 😉

P.S. My wife Olga and I got sucked into this political mess because we just wanted to fix school choice and help K-12 kids with special needs. But we ran into a buzzsaw of corruption. So as a preview of the 2024 session …we are now going to watch what the SC House of Representatives does with S 285, the PACE / ACE Scholarship Bill. Proven school choice … or will they push for “only” ESAs which government controls 100% … and lined the pockets of one of their friends last month to the tune of $4.2 MILLION. Stay tuned …

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Interestingly … Braylee Estep can attend the SCGOP State Executive Committee meetings … unlike the elected State Executive Committeeman from the largest county in South Carolina representing 12% of the entire state.

June 19th, 2023 Article: HERE

December 15th, 2023 Article: HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, we want to hear from you! Send in your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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FITS 2024

Upcoming Congressional and State Convention

EVERYONE who is a MAGA / America FIRST state delegate or state alternate should attend



A few months ago we introduced you all to the every FOUR YEAR SCGOP Congressional & State Conventions held prior to the RNC NATIONAL CONVENTION where we will select the GOP Presidential Candidate (HERE).

With South Carolina leading the way … we know that the GOP nominee will be President TRUMP … but very few people seem to know about these upcoming Congressional Conventions or the State Convention.

South Carolina has 50 National Delegates & 50 National Alternates to send to the RNC National Convention this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Monday, July 15th, 2024 – Thursday, July 18th, 2024.

Well … now we know the dates and times for selecting those 50 NATIONAL DELEGATES & 50 NATIONAL ALTERNATES … and EVERYONE who is a MAGA / America FIRST state delegate or state alternate should attend!!! Your attendance is “mandatory” if for no other reason than to “learn” about the process … but to also support your America FIRST candidates for the available positions. #VoteAmericaFIRST!!!

Do you really want Nikki Haley supporters going to the RNC National Convention? Hmmm … think about it.

If you were a STATE DELEGATE or a STATE ALTERNATE … here is the Eventbrite link to register for your respective CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION.

All SCGOP Congressional Conventions: HERE

1st District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

2nd District – Tuesday, April 23rd at 7PM: HERE

3rd District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

4th District – Saturday, April 20th at 9AM: HERE

5th – District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

6th District – Saturday, April 20th at NOON: HERE

7th District – Saturday, April 6th at 10AM: HERE

(*Verify all dates and times on SCGOP Eventbrite)

Yes you should go!!! Reunite with fellow America FIRST friends, learn the process, and support your respective America FIRST candidates.

Elections will consist of a Congressional District Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary … as well as 3 National Delegates + 3 National Alternates.

Be warned however, if you want to be a NATIONAL DELEGATE or ALTERNATE, you will have to cover your own travel and lodging cost which are estimated to be around $3,500 … so don’t run for a spot if you can’t go for the full week or would rather spend your dollars at the beach this summer.

We don’t know the location or time yet … but we do know the STATE CONVENTION will be on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 … presumably somewhere central in the midlands / Columbia / Lexington area.  It will be BIG and like the state convention last May 2023 with 943 STATE DELEGATES & 943 STATE ALTERNATES eligible to attend.

At the convention we will elect the remaining 29 NATIONAL DELEGATES & 29 NATIONAL ALTERNATES.

The 2nd reason to show up for the STATE CONVENTION … we have heard that Drew McKissick and the RINO Establishment want to push through more “Rule Changes”.  They did this to slow down the America FIRST movement with their “Special Called Convention” on July 30th, 2022 … let’s see what tricks they may have in store for us this May 4th, 2024.

The RINOs don’t have the numbers now like they did in 2022 … but we have to SHOW UP!!!


Jan 24th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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FITS 2024

Truth Social … now Publicly Traded!

TRUMP’s personal net worth skyrocketed by $4 BILLION



Yahoo Finance “DJT”:  HERE

Monday March 25th, 2024, will go down in history as a really, really, really GOOD DAY for President TRUMP!!!

First, a New York Appeals Court lowered the insane $454 million court bond payment to appeal the New York AG’s case to an equally insane, but manageable, $175 million bond.  That reduction as well as an extension of 10 days appears to be enough grace for President TRUMP to fulfill the obligation and preserve his properties in the State of New York.

DC_Draino (HERE) had the best meme of the day … 

DC_Draino Video:  HERE

Truth Social goes PUBLIC!!!

  • $4 BILLION!!!

But the YUGE news for President TRUMP from March 25th, 2024, is finally … TRUTH Social will be a publicly traded company … and the stock symbol … get ready for it … DJT!!! You can’t make this up either!!!

The government approval / administrative process which should have taken 3 or 4 months … took TRUTH Social nearly 2 years. No, you really can’t make this up either, and yes this is happening in America, in our Republic.

But as with most bad deed … the finalization of the technical merger to allow TRUTH Social to become a publicly traded company could not have come at a better time as he seemingly solidifies his position for the 2024 November election.

Now with public valuation data, TRUMP’s personal net worth skyrocketed by $4 BILLION sending him onto the Bloomberg 500 wealthiest list for the first time ever … and that is before the 43% stock price increase so far today on the first day of trading.

Good things happen to good people … so keep fighting folks!

Yahoo News Article:  HERE

Yahoo Finance “DJT”:  HERE

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FITS 2024

Candidate Filings

SEI & Campaign Finance Disclosures



SC Ethics Commission – SEI: HERE

This week we have learned how to “track” candidates (HERE) and how much it costs to file to run for office (HERE)! Today, let’s review the Candidate Filings.

Statement of Economic Interests (SEI)

The general idea of the Statement of Economic Interests is as stated, to disclose the candidate’s or elected official’s “economic” or financial interest. Read more about it HERE and in the mySCGOP article below … and have fun looking up the SEI of your favorite politicians!

Campaign Finance Disclosures
Campaign Finance Disclosures (initial, quarterly, pre-election & final) are for reporting the donations and expenditures of candidate’s campaign account. Remember – if you intend to spend any money on your campaign, you will need to open a separate campaign bank account – you cannot use your personal one!

As with any filing, there are deadlines on the Campaign Finance Disclosures that is YOUR responsibility to follow. For State and Local 

candidate campaign filings you would go to  to file while for Federal positions (US House & Senate), you would got to
For more details click HERE or the mySCGOP article below.

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

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FITS 2024

Candidate Filing Fees

How much does it cost to file? And how the fee is calculated? And where is the money going?



2024 Filing Fee Schedule: HERE

As we mentioned yesterday HERE, the South Carolina filing period OPENED this past Saturday March 16th at NOON … and CLOSES on Monday April 1st at NOON and as of close of business Tuesday March 19th, 148 candidates statewide filed their paperwork to have their names on the ballot for June 11, 2024 Primary Elections! 

Now, how much does it cost to file? And how the fee is calculated? And where is the money going?

According to S.C. Code Section 7-13-40 (HERE), the filing fee for each office is one percent of the total salary for the term of that office or one hundred dollars, whichever amount is greater.

As you will notice, for those full time elected officials like solicitor, probate judges, clerk of court, sheriff, etc … the filing fees can get prohibitive for candidates. It is really something troublesome in our opinion and should be fixed. 

Now you are probably wondering, where is the money collected on all the fees, going? The money goes to the State Election Commission to compensate them for running the primary elections. It certainly does not cover the cost, if you ask us.  

Fun fact: other parties (non Republican & non Democrat) pick their candidates via conventions, etc that they pay for … so they don’t have those primary fees. But, as you all might guess, unless you are a Republican or a Democrat, there is no real chance to be elected in November. 

2024 Filing Fee Schedule: HERE

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

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FITS 2024

RCP Presidential Betting Averages

Runaway train for President TRUMP at 45.5% vs. Biden’s 32.6%



RCP Presidential Betting Odds: HERE

Yes, we tracked the Real Clear Politics (RCP) betting averages for the GOP Presidential nomination for you all for months … and it proved certainly more reliable than the rollercoaster of the human polls & main stream media’s attempt to manipulate public opinion … but guess what, there is a similar betting average for who will become PRESIDENT as well.

Just as a reminder … we don’t promote betting, we simply believe it is a better indicator of TRUE public sentiment as to the outcome of these political races as compared to HUMAN POLLS and what you may hear out of the mainstream media.  Both can be (and are) easily manipulated … while watching where real people PUT THEIR MONEY appears much more accurate.

As you might expect as of right now it is a runaway train for President TRUMP at 45.5% vs. Biden’s 32.6% chance of being elected President on November 5th, 2024.  Biden was doing much worse just 7 days ago before he spiked 5 points after Michelle Obama’s office publicly announced she WAS NOT running for President (HERE).  Heck, Michelle Obama is still at 5.5% even after saying she is not running … showing some betters still don’t believe her.  They truly get the mental manipulation.

It is going to be an exciting next 238 days until November 5th, 2024!!!  

Always follow the numbers … the REAL NUMBERS!!!

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FITS 2024

McMaster Opposes & Drew Supports Closed Primaries?

Don’t fall for these tricks!



Fox Carolina Article: HERE

We received this article today and our first thought was … YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME … do they think we are still this stupid?!?!?

Closed primaries have been an issue for what … decades?  Well we know it has been a big issue for at least the 10 years we have been around … and we have watched Drew McKissick “talk” about registration by party (not “closed” primaries) since at least 2017 at the first quarterly State Executive Committee meeting in Columbia we attended as guest (yes, Drew used to allow visitors until mySCGOP and the grassroots got involved) … but we have NEVER seen Drew actually DO anything to promote real closed primaries or even registration by party.

Yes, it is why we use the saying … Watch what the DO, not what they SAY.

So now all of a sudden as Drew McKissick is out as RNC Co-Chair and floundering in his political career because he has turned on the grassroots and our SCGOP Platform principles (HERE & HERE) … and faces certain defeat in the #2025ReOrg … so now he wants full closed primaries … and Governor Henry McMaster opposes it???

NO, we are not that stupid anymore!!!

So, what is the set-up here? What is this shell game?

Basically Drew needs help … A LOT OF HELP … and his friend Governor McMaster has nothing to lose … so they are now playing their typical … as this is not an unusual game once you see it … roles to DUPE the grassroots electorate.

Seriously, this is what Governor McMaster said … “Although people have theorized that there may be masses coming over and voting in the Republican primary just to cause mischief, so far in our history, it has not happened,” according to the Fox Carolina article.

Governor McMaster is well liked because he endorsed TRUMP early in 2016 (after initially endorsing Jeb Bush – y’all did not know that did you) … but everyone knows he is not exactly the most conservative elected official in SC … not by a longshot!!! But for him to really say Democrat crossover voting is not a real problem in SC Republican Primaries … nobody is buying that!!!

As we TEACH … when elected officials and others say & do “strange” things … DIG DEEPER and figure out the “game” they are playing. This one fortunately is not hard to figure out at all 😉

PLUS … WHAT WAS DREW’S “ADVISORY” QUESTION ON YOUR SATURDAY BALLOT? Did SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick ask SC Republican voters if they wanted “closed primaries” … or did he ask us about the lesser “registration by party” … where Democrats can still vote in Republican Primaries?

Drew has literally FLIPPED since Saturday on this issue? lol

Drew wanted “Registration by Party” … not CLOSED Primaries.

So what actually happened in South Carolina with cross-over voters?

Well, the Gateway Pundit reports that one group estimates 40% of Nikki Haley voters in the SC Republican Presidential Preference Primary (PPP) on Saturday were Democrats (HERE). Our folks here at mySCGOP are still analyzing the voter participation data … and it will take time … but we estimate it is closer to 25% of Haley votes were Democrats.

But Governor Henry McMaster says their is no evidence of massive crossover?

The data is out there, even historically, which proves crossover voting is a real issue here in South Carolina … especially in down ballot elections. We have even shared with you where an ELECTED far-left Democrat and a far-left Democrat candidate are regular Republican Primary Voters (see HERE). These are not isolated events … and it explains why SC is rated the most liberal red state in the nation by CPAC.

Heck, we even have Republican friends … including elected Republican Party Officials who live in “Democrat” districts … that VOTE in the Democrat Primaries here in South Carolina.

It goes both ways … but the fact remains “closed primaries” is a SC Republican Platform issue and with a “Republican” supermajority in the SC State Legislature … it can easily be fixed … but they won’t / haven’t. Why???

DO NOT FALL FOR THESE TRICKS!!!  Drew McKissick has never given any real indication (by action) that he is willing to push for “closed primaries”.  We all know the stories of how every six years … right before his US Senate elections … Lindsey Graham becomes a conservative.  The other 5 years or so of his 6 year term … he is working with the left.

Governor McMaster has nothing to lose opposing closed primaries … and he has plenty of friends that like the status quo … so Henry himself has everything to gain by doing this “favor” for the establishment and Drew McKissick.  It is nice to be a hero to the grassroots and support closing the SC primaries … but there is much more to gain for Governor McMaster by helping out the establishment, Drew & the special interest that like the status quo.  #FollowTheMONEY!!!

And as we also say … #LearnTheirTRICKS!!! 

Election Day Countdown (as of 02/28/2024):

  • Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 – 6 days (Super Tuesday)
  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 17 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 33 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 104 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 251 (ELECTION DAY)

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Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


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