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ReOrg 2023

Precinct Strategy Going NATIONAL!

(with Election Integrity)



We all know our good friend Dan Schultz with Precinct Strategy from Arizona … well there is also a gentleman by the name of STEVE STERN.  Steve owns, but he has dedicated his efforts to spreading the good word with Dan about Precinct Strategy.

The #1 issue we hear about across South Carolina is ELECTION INTEGRITY.  It is not a big concern just here in SC, but nationally as well.  The exciting news that Steve Stern announced yesterday on Steve Bannon’s WARROOM was that Precinct Strategy & Election Integrity groups across the US are joining forces to form a NATIONAL NETWORK!!!

The more we can spread the word about Precinct ReOrg and Precinct Strategy the better for everyone.  The fact that ELECTION INTEGRITY groups are figuring out that the PROBLEM (and opportunity) is to get involved with LOCAL & STATE GOPS only further validates what we are doing here in South Carolina with mySCGOP.

And the good news for us here in South Carolina?  Everyone knows the SCGOP is bad on about everything … including ELECTION INTEGRITY, SCHOOL CHOICE, RONNA MCDANIEL … and obviously the fact South Carolina is rated by CPAC as the most liberal red state in the nation at #33 (out of 50).  A main focus will be South Carolina and the SCGOP!!!



mySCGOP Online Precinct ReOrg Manual

Empowering South Carolinians Though Precinct Engagement



We have been teaching Precinct ReOrg here in South Carolina since 2021 … and participation has increased substantially for The People in 2021 & 2023 … it worked … and we want to make #ReOrg2025 will be the BIGGEST EVER!!!

And obviously we have gotten A LOT of questions over the years.

We believe ReOrg should be a transparent & fair process … but the RINOs don’t want you to know about it … and they cheat.  Y’all know our theory … the RINOs want to “Keep it small to control it all.”  We however what EVERYONE to know about ReOrg … because we trust The People … and we don’t want anyone controlling the Party … especially RINOs.

Over the past four years we have shared A LOT with our morning emails (like this) … and shared these articles on … everything from data, Rules, tactics & strategies to further the MAGA America First Agenda here in South Carolina … to empower The People to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! 

But … we still get A LOT of questions on the nuts & bolts of ReOrg … the “basics” … especially from the sooooooo many new Patriots getting involved every day … so we thought it would be helpful to put our REORG MANUAL online … on a dedicated website with all the basics … all the ABCs … on “.xyz” ….   

Take a look … let us know your thoughts, any edits, any additions … and let’s teach EVERYONE about ReOrg.  We will be adding more … but email us at

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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Focus on Your SLATE!!!

Seriously … FOCUS ON YOUR PRECINCT SLATE!!! #ReOrg2025



Seriously … FOCUS ON YOUR PRECINCT SLATE!!!  People will ask a thousand questions about ReOrg … all the minor details and procedure / rule things … but if I ask them if they have their SLATE ready … their eyes will get big and the excuses begin.  It’s human nature … it is an avoidance tactic … your kids do it all the time (lol) … but fight it … WRITE DOWN YOUR SLATE!!!

Consider it like a party plan … treat it like a wedding invite list if you have to … figure out “who” are you inviting?  Start with a DRAFT … and use a pencil.  Write down as delegates ALL the names of ALL your neighbors & friends that you are inviting to your ReOrg PARTY.  Put down everybody and list their phone number so you can call / text them.  Then list “potential” names next to the EC, President and the other officer roles.  List 2 or 3 for EC, 2 or 3 for President, etc.  You can always edit it or mark people out that can’t come … but PUT IT IN WRITING … and LIST EVERYONE!!!

We have plenty of time to figure out / teach you the Rules and other details … but know this … (#1) you have LIMITED TIME to invite people … and (#2) if you show up with 30 people (and the RINOs only have 5), YOU WIN no matter what happens!!!  Invite ALL your friends!!! 

It takes time to plan a party invite list … so DO IT NOW!!!

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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New Executive Order

Executive Order: All Victim Cards Are Now Expired



The past 7 days … since TRUMPs inauguration on Monday, January 20th at 12 O’clock Noon … have been one of the most exciting 7 political days in history.  Donald J. TRUMP, a man who had the entire apparatus of the United States Government against him … the entire Department of Justice & the FBI hunting him … and he NEVER GAVE UP … he came back and showed us exactly what it meant to #NeverSurrender!!!

One thing in Greenville that we DO NOT allow people to speak about are “EXCUSES”!!!  There are no excuses … Donald J. TRUMP did not use excuses to quit … and he had plenty … so we will not either.

Folks will try to say there is too much “apathy” out there and they can not find anyone to come to their Precinct ReOrg meeting.  You have got to be kidding me!!!   Friends, this is the most exciting time in HISTORY to get MAGA / America FIRST Patriots involved.  This is the best time EVER to RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT!!!

GROW PERSONALLY & PROFESSIONALLY:  I remember 4 years ago, the first time I knocked on a random “Republican” door to invite them to our Precinct ReOrg meeting … it was scary!!!  I had a law degree, I was a CPA, I had given presentations to large groups … worked with CEOs, professional athletes & billionaires … but I was nervous not knowing “who” was behind that door and what they would say.  

Guess what … it is normal to be nervous … but I pushed through … and it made me a better person individually & professionally.  I’ll knock on any door and talk with anyone today.  I have learned to LISTEN and connect with people.  YES … LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN!!!  It was one of the best things I ever forced myself to do (since the Citadel) … and it will be GREAT for you too!!!

Sure … find what works for you … door knocking, phone calls, text messages … social media canvasing … whatever works … but CHALLENGE YOURSELF to bring 10 people to your Precinct ReOrg meeting.  Push Yourself!!!  We all have friends and family living all across South Carolina that SUPPORT TRUMP and want to Make America Great Again!!!  Get out there and TELL THEM about #ReOrg2025 … and get them to attend their local precinct ReOrg meeting IN MARCH and vote for the MAGA / America First Patriots.

NOW … get out there and keep recruiting!!!   

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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Fight … or Flight?




Fight-or-flight?  There are a thousand excuses to quit, to give up.  Thankfully I hear much less of the quitting “excuses” today than I did 2 or 4 years ago (when times looked darkest) … but there are still a few good folks that have these excuses for “moving on” or refusing to participate in ReOrg … or whatever it may be … and they like to use these excuses just when we NEED their help the most.

I find it to be a curious conversation talking with like minded patriots that refuse to come to ReOrg (to vote for the MAGA / America FIRST slate).  All we are asking is for (#1) a 1 hour precinct meeting & then maybe (#2) a 3 hour meeting at county convention … both just every other year.  Is that too much to ask to Save America?

ReOrg is a process that I know is as important as (informed) voting itself.  ReOrg is our modern day version of 1776.  We aren’t asking someone to go to war … to submit to the military draft … or risk being killed.  All we are asking is to just to SHOW UP so that the things they talk about constantly (politics, saving America, their political causes, family values, bringing Christ back into the equation, etc., etc., etc.) can have a chance at success.

Do they really think things will get better if they don’t have a seat at the political table?

Some even use the excuse that they have found a better table to sit at … they know better “how” to Save America … and their “solution” is avoiding politics all together.  SMH!!!  Are you kidding me???  Yes, they think they know better than the Ancient Greek philosophers … and 2,500 years of proven history.  Again, SMH!!!  The reality is, politics impacts all of our lives in a very personal way – every day, every minute of every day!!!

HERE IS THE DEAL:  If asked by someone working hard … fighting the good fight for your liberties 24/7 … PLEASE, just make it easy for them.  Just say yes, and just show up.  It is not asking a lot.   

Or would your rather those of us willing to FIGHT would just quit to?  Yes, there are some people … even friends of mine … that like being the victim and in the losing camp all the time.  Some are old TEA Party folks.  They just want to complain, and if we / they are winning, they can’t complain.  Thankfully this is just a small minority of people, but they can often be a very vocal (and time consuming) minority.  Learn to identify them … and avoid them if they require too much time or a distraction.

Yes, I really enjoy the conversations with folks about joining us with ReOrg.  You find out pretty quick if they are FIGHT … or FLIGHT type of folks.  Most people want to help … to FIGHT for our Country and our values.  Some take a little convincing … that’s ok, ReOrg is a new idea to them.  But some, are just pure “flight”.  Try, but don’t spend too much time on them as “distractions” are bad and they won’t change no matter how much you try.  If anything, they have to wake up on their own, in their own time.  

But, what I really enjoy the most in recruiting for ReOrg, is when folks (quickly) figure out I am right … and they see that ReOrg is how we Save America … that ReOrg is A SOLUTION & A PLAN … and they tell me I will be there, and I’ll bring a friend to support the MAGA / America FIRST slate.”  Now that is a PATRIOT in my book!!!  They may not want to do it are first, but they do it because it is RIGHT.  #AmericanPATRIOT!!!  

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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learn to trust nothing …

Learn to Trust NOTHING!!! Seriously … NOTHING!!!



One of the hardest things I have ever had to learn in this political world is to trust nothing. It is truly the hardest thing most good people will do. We are honest, so we expect others are honest too.  We are taught from a young age … or maybe it is just genetic for most of us … that we should trust our elders, superiors, teachers, religious leaders, doctors, lawyers, judges, etc. … and we are also taught to trust our elected officials.  But unfortunately, in today’s world, trusting these people (or really anyone beyond your closest confidants) is the LAST thing you should do.

Trusting nothing is a horrible way to have to live.  I dislike living this way.  I miss the days when I knew nothing about politics … and nothing about the bigger financial manipulation that makes us all pawns of the global elite.

I also have some guilt about having to teach others to trust nothing.  I know that once they “see it”, most won’t be able to unsee it.  And I know when they “see it” … they will be faced with a personal test … to go along to get along, or to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT.  The fighters of course we love and welcome … but my guilt stems from the knowledge that I’ve forced some people to realize they are the “go along to get along” types … I’ve forced them to realize they are cowards. 

We are challenging people right now … about the litmus test of School Choice.  We are years into this fight for children … we have been right the entire time … and we have the data now to prove it.  We shared with you the November 21st letter (HERE) to Lt. Governor Pamela Evette showing the kids / families at HOPE ACADEMY received $600k in 2015 … and only $65,600 last year.  On Sunday I shared with Rep. April Cromer (R – Anderson) that her district school, ANDERSON CHRISTIAN SCHOOL received $200k in 2015 (1/2 scholarships – they were owed $400k) … and only $16,000 last year.  Yes, only $16,000!!!

What will these two moms do?  How can any mom look away?  I have given them a test that will force them to decide between going along to get along (for the benefit of their own political careers) … or to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT (for the benefit of the kids).  I’ve challenged them to be heroes for these families … but I fear they will deflect and blame “Jeff Davis” as some bad guy.  Stay tuned … 

Families get funding … or not.  Taxpayers save money … or not.  It really is that simple.  Which will these moms choose, now that I have shown them the needless damage these children with special needs have endured?

Yes, I have a little guilt giving anyone this “test” … but We The People need to know “who” they are … “who” all of our elected officials and people with political influence are deep down.  I know folks that personally like these two elected officials … Rep. Cromer & Lt. Gov. Evette … so they too will be faced with the reality of Rep. Cromer & the Lt. Governor.  Will these moms be Service or Self?

We won’t make any progress until the people about Self are replaced with people about Service.

It is not hard … but it starts with US understanding we must “learn to trust nothing” and to “verify everything”.

Again, stay tuned … 

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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FITS 2024

PRESS ARTICLES – Tim Scott “Puff Piece”

To avoid being manipulated is #1 to know it exist & #2 know how to spot it.



POLITICAL MANIPULATION … we talk about it all the time, and being on the front lines of all this political mess, we see the manipulation more than others.

And, we want you to see it as well because the best way to avoid being manipulated is #1 to know it exist & #2 know how to spot it.

Yesterday we saw a perfect press / media example and we know the backstory … so here is what happened, and you to decide.

Was this press example (A) an honest article on South Carolina voter opinions as seen by South Carolina GOP leaders … or (B) a “puff piece” to build up Tim Scott as Ron DeSantis TANKS in the polls???

First off … what is “puffery” … or a puff piece?

Puff Piece (defined): “Puff piece is an idiom for a journalistic form of puffery: an article or story of exaggerating praise that often ignores or downplays opposing viewpoints or evidence to the contrary.”

Realize, the press does this ALL THE TIME. If you watch the ebbs and flows of the narratives coming out of the mainstream media (and perhaps even alternative media) you can tell there is a common thread, or a common theme. They obviously talk and/or follow each others stories, so they naturally all seem to “swim” in the same direction.

Right now, the media theme is Ron DeSantis and his campaign / Super PAC are IMPLODING … and the media has to find the next shiny object that is NOT Donald Trump.

Think about it, if the press started reporting that the GOP Presidential nomination process was over and there was no way TRUMP was going to lose the GOP nomination, what would the point be in reading the paper for the next 12 months? It would be boring, and boring does not sell papers, right?

[NOTE: Of course anything can happen, so the nomination is not locked up for TRUMP just yet, but to those of us watching 24/7 it sure seems that way – just not according to the main stream media who “needs” to puff up alternative contenders to keep readership … or perhaps there is something more sinister to their motives? #FollowTheMoney.]


In early July, Julia Johnson (HERE HERE), a reporter for the conservative Washington Examiner was reaching out to various local South Carolina County GOPs … “hoping to connect with the County party chair and discuss some of what they are hearing from voters ahead of the GOP primary.”

Two local SC county chairs we spoke with, both females, told us they gave interviews and expressed that their constituents and local voters were reflective of polling numbers … that SC was basically TRUMP County and the other candidates are gaining NO traction whatsoever.  One chair even expressed how there is a shift in voter understanding and the politics of old are over.

Well, yesterday, July 25th, the article came out.  And guess what?  Neither of the female GOP County Chairs were quoted in the article … and it was a 100% “establishment” RINO fest of quotes & puffery for alternative candidates.

READ THE ARTICLE ... but read it with a critical eye, asking yourself is this what YOU are seeing out there in the public?  Sure, we all don’t agree 100% … but Tim Scott?  

Do you really believe, as the “establishment” Spartanburg Chairman says, that minority Democrats are going to crossover and vote for Tim Scott because he is black?  Or as an “establishment”  lowcountry GOP leader states “that Scott has a very similar vision to Trump and most Republican voters.“?  If he does, we have not seen it, especially in school choice (HERE), the magnet controversy (HERE) … not to mention Senator Scott’s Upstate Office Regional Director, Danielle Gibbs, was intimately involved in the 2021 Greenville ReOrg Fraud … and we think Tim Scott personally knows all about it.  

Click image above or HERE.  MENTIONS: Tim Scott (40 times), Trump (21 times), DeSantis (9 times), Haley (5 times) … and zero for Pence!!! 


We did notice one thing however … in the 3rd paragraph, it was noted that “GOP chairmen and women” were interviewed … but no “women” were quoted.

Where the two TRUMP supporting female chairs who tell us they were interviewed as well edited out of the final article? Why mention “women” if no SC women chairs were quoted? Who knows, but our guess / experience is the article was toned down to minimize TRUMP support by higher-ups at the Washington Examiner and they forgot to take out the reference to GOP women chairs. Again, who knows … maybe just a coincidence. 😉

“County and district GOP chairmen and women throughout the Palmetto state emphasized Trump was still on top. But, with about seven months until the South Carolina primary, they say voters are hearing other candidates out — Scott in particular.”


Finally … we have to note that A LOT of these political press interviewees in various articles are PAID operatives … and it is nearly impossible to figure out exactly who is paid, by whom, and who is not.

But it is clear … and was not disclosed in the article … that the Chairman of Dorchester County GOP is a paid political operative. He works for PUSH DIGITAL (think Lindsey Graham “establishment” … and proud of it) out of Charleston. It is right there on their website (HERE).

So … ask yourself as well … does an undisclosed employment relationship with a political campaign organization present a conflict of interest? In any other profession it would major conflict … but as they say, anything goes in politics!!!




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