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OPINION: SC Needs Judicial Reform

Who do our judges really serve?




Do you know that SC is the only state in the nation (Virginia has a similar hybrid method) whereby our judges are selected by our legislature?  That includes the lawyer legislators at our SC State House in Columbia that appear before these very same judges.

Who do you think has the upper-hand in court … your lawyer, or the lawyer who is also the person who put them on the bench (and controls whether they are re-appointed or advance to a higher judicial office)?

“Who do our judges really serve?”

The Alex Murdaugh murder case in Hampton County has really brought this issue to the forefront.

This is a little known issue for most South Carolinians … but it is one of the most impactful on all of us.  Without a fair judicial system, there is not justice in our great state.

We will have more in the coming weeks on this and other opinion issues from our members.


Jeff Davis
Chairman, Greenville County Republican Party



No more excuses.  We started to purge the RINOs in the SCGOP, and we stated because the mainstream #FakeNews media is in bed with our local politicians and government.  No more will stories be swept under the rug.  If you have a story that needs to be exposed … send it to us and we will get it out there.  Have an opinion piece, or want to write a series, submit your writings to us at  See something we can do better, let us know.  We are about #WeThePeople … so here is your chance to stop complaining and start do something about it.  They are watching and reading … let’s start exposing it all.

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Take Pictures – Form 1s & Form 2

Yes … some forms “change” or are “lost” later. #FightTheCHEAT!



Friends … we know this sounds crazy … but TAKE PICTURES of your Form 1s & the final Form 2 at the end of your Precinct ReOrg meeting.

Yes … just be “safe”.  You may never see the forms again … and there are too many stories of forms “changing” or getting “lost” on the way to being turned in to RINO leadership.  Yes … they do CHEAT!!!  (See HEREHEREHEREHEREHERE & HERE.)  

Yes … “good” Republicans and “good” Pastors will cheat.  It is why local politics is hard (as compared to DC politics) … no one wants to see their neighbor (or local pastors) cheating!!!

EXTRA RE MAKE-UP MEETING: Also … taking pictures of your Form 1s is particularly true for the ReOrg Make-Up Meeting if you live in a RINO controlled county. If you are the current (or newly elected) EC / President, they should let you in … and make sure to take pictures of all the forms.

2025 Form 1 & Form 2.   Think our claims of cheating & fraud are exaggerated???  Think we are embellishing when we say the RINOs don’t want to GROW the GOP … and that they want to “keep it small to control it all”???  Don’t like our accusations against “good” Republicans & “good” Pastors???

Well … just ask yourself … “why” wouldn’t the SCGOP post and release copies of these below forms???  “Why” won’t the post an online manual???  “Why” won’t they meet???  Why, why, why???

Trust nothing friends … (HEREHERE & HERE).

2025 Sample Form 1:  HERE (pdf)

2025 Sample Form 2:  HERE (pdf)

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Dig Deeper – Treasurer Curtis Loftis

“When something makes no sense … DIG DEEPER!!!”



Friends, one of our main teaching themes in politics (and life generally) is “When something makes no sense … DIG DEEPER!!!” For example, I had two good friends call me last Tuesday night because a former statewide political candidate had told them that if I was elected SCGOP Chairman in May … I would receive a $5 MILLION check from the school choice lobby.  Seriously, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!   What this lie spreader (is that a term? lol) does not understand is that we are FIGHTING the monied special interest school choice lobby … they would never write me a check … and in fact the America Federation for Children, employer of the Gay Porn actor Corey DeAngelis ( 10/8/2024:  HERE), actually endorsed Drew McKissick.  Did McKissick receive a $5 MILLION check in May 2023???

It was an absurd allegation … but people believe this sort of garbage in the political world all the time … and we must learn to not fall for these political tactics.  Study the psychology and the mental / political manipulation that goes on … it truly is fascinating once you start to see it.  

So, why would someone spread this lie about me?  Simple … “they” (RINOs & a few select others) are scared to death “crazy” TRUMP supporting MAGA America First leaders like myself and others will take over the SCGOP.  They can’t have that … can they?  😉

Well, a similar situation came up last week as well when a random individual asked a good friend … Did you hear our State Treasurer stole $1.8 BILLION Dollars?  Again, how absurd is that!?!?!?  Seriously, that would be the crime of the century … but study the psychology and how we got to this point.  Note how that general narrative (that something really bad happened) is being spread by certain politicians and the #FakeNews mainstream media.  It really is an interesting study when you see past the emotional triggers and half truths.  

It is the same sort of Project Mockingbird (Wikipedia: HERE) scam they ran against President TRUMP that is all coming out now.  Have we not figured out we are LIED to constantly … or is the other side so desperate their lies are getting bigger an bigger?  $1.8 Billion?  $5 Million?  It’s nutty!!!

But the real question is … and we will need to dig even deeper over time … who and what is behind the smear campaign against Curtis Loftis … and why?

First of all, let me make clear I have ZERO concerns that Curtis Loftis has done something wrong here.  Curtis is not the State Comptroller (ie, the state accountant), nor is the the State Auditor … the two people responsible, and the two people that have already resigned over this scandal.  Curtis has nothing to do with accounting nor the books & records for the state.  He is our State Banker … he invests and oversees the money he is given … period.

As a CPA / Tax Attorney … I come from this finance world and have had a few billionaire clients back in the day … so the way I have explained it to friends is as such … this is like your personal investment advisor being blamed for what your CPA did on your tax return.  How are the two related?  They are not.

So … obviously there are a ton of RED FLAGS popping up when we see Curtis Loftis (the banker / investment guy) being blamed by political folks for what the CPA / accountants did wrong.  It just makes no sense.

As someone who has had more lies told about them than most … here is my quick “political” analysis knowing how these things play out … and knowing the corrupt side of the political and mental manipulation that is obviously being done against Curtis.  The three reasons Curtis is being “attacked” … like Donald TRUMP was … over something he has nothing to do with.

(#1) “They” are scared Curtis will run for Governor or US Senate:   Curtis Loftis is easily the most popular elected official in the State of South Carolina.  Not the Governor, not the Lt. Governor … not Alan Wilson or Nancy Mace … not even Senator Tim Scott (and I won’t mention Lindsey).  Everybody in South Carolina LOVES Curtis Loftis … and the “everybody” I am talking about are The People and grassroots activists.  He is personable, friendly, will talk with anyone … and “if” he wanted to run for Governor or against Lindsey Graham in 2026, he would be the frontrunner by far.

So … if you are politician wanting to run for Governor or US Senate … or a current politician (or company – see #3 below) afraid of what Curtis might do if elected Governor or as our US Senator … what do you do with the real threat of “Curtis”?  Simple, you start a SMEAR CAMPAIGN now … two years in advance … to beat his reputation down and fool people into thinking something absurd, like “he stole $1.8 billion”.  It is very simple, yet very diabolical … but it is what politicians, political consultants and even diabolical companies do.  Yes, it happens ALL THE TIME!!!  

To demonstrate the point … ask yourself why is our SC Attorney General Alan Wilson not saying anything about this $1.8 BILLION dollar issue?   Shouldn’t he opine as to whether Curtis Loftis has any responsibility in this matter … or if there was any criminality at all (which I don’t think there was – even by the accountants)?  Well, note that AG Wilson has been silent … and AG Wilson is presumably running for Governor in 2026.  Perhaps AG Wilson thinks its best for Curtis to look as bad as possible, “just in case” Curtis decides to run for Governor.  It’s a theory … but know that AG Wilson is not the only one that would want Curtis out of the way.

(#2) #FollowTheMONEY:  A second theory … as our State Treasurer, Curtis Loftis  oversees more than $70 billion in public funds for State of South Carolina.  He determines where to custody those assets (i.e., which bank or financial institution) and who will be the investment advisors. One percent (1%) a year, here or there in the investment world is a rounding error … but 1% of $70 BILLION is also $700 million a year … so we are talking about HUGE money.  There are corrupt people that want to get their fingers in that pie … and that could be disastrous for the State of South Carolina and our taxpayers.

This HUGE “money grab” alone could explain the bizarre blaming of Curtis Loftis for the incompetence and errors of the state accountants & auditors.

(#3) BlackRock / Globalist types & DEI:   Now this third theory is good … and the people potentially behind it are particularly “bad” to say the least … but ask yourself “who” has been the most vocal voice against DEI, social credit scores and all that mess here in South Carolina?  None other than our State Treasurer Curtis Loftis.  And “who” has been the target of those accusations … the GLOBALIST and companies like BlackRock and their billionaire CEO & lifelong Democrat Party supporter Larry Fink (Wikipedia:  HERE).

We know these people hold a grudge … and it is not unusual for institutions to “target” their naysayers.  You really don’t want to call out a company like BlackRock who has $11.5 TRILLION in assets under management … yes, $11.5 TRILLION … and Curtis Loftis did that … and he did that to protect The People and the State of South Carolina!!!  We should be giving him a medal of honor.  

Folks on the left and in the Democrat Media are all worried about what Elon Musk might do with his net worth of $400 Billion … well, what about a guy like Larry Fink controlling $11.5 TRILLION!!!   Curtis Loftis stood up for The People … and he stood up against the biggest folks in the investment industry.  The last thing those people want is another TRUMP style politician with massive grassroots support … so better to take him out early and however they can.

Remember … always think LOGICALLY … not emotionally!!!  There are bad people out there trying to influence you one way or the other using your emotions against you.  Don’t fall for it.  Jeff Davis is not getting a $5 million dollar check … nor has Curtis Loftis stolen $1.8 Billion … but there are people scared of me … and much, much, much more scared of our SC State Treasure Curtis Loftis … and that my friends is a good thing.

Again, as we teach … “When something makes no sense … DIG DEEPER!!!”

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Focus on Your SLATE!!!

Seriously … FOCUS ON YOUR PRECINCT SLATE!!! #ReOrg2025



Seriously … FOCUS ON YOUR PRECINCT SLATE!!!  People will ask a thousand questions about ReOrg … all the minor details and procedure / rule things … but if I ask them if they have their SLATE ready … their eyes will get big and the excuses begin.  It’s human nature … it is an avoidance tactic … your kids do it all the time (lol) … but fight it … WRITE DOWN YOUR SLATE!!!

Consider it like a party plan … treat it like a wedding invite list if you have to … figure out “who” are you inviting?  Start with a DRAFT … and use a pencil.  Write down as delegates ALL the names of ALL your neighbors & friends that you are inviting to your ReOrg PARTY.  Put down everybody and list their phone number so you can call / text them.  Then list “potential” names next to the EC, President and the other officer roles.  List 2 or 3 for EC, 2 or 3 for President, etc.  You can always edit it or mark people out that can’t come … but PUT IT IN WRITING … and LIST EVERYONE!!!

We have plenty of time to figure out / teach you the Rules and other details … but know this … (#1) you have LIMITED TIME to invite people … and (#2) if you show up with 30 people (and the RINOs only have 5), YOU WIN no matter what happens!!!  Invite ALL your friends!!! 

It takes time to plan a party invite list … so DO IT NOW!!!

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Why Win ReOrg?

#ReOrg2025 … the SOLUTION



#ReOrg2025 … the SOLUTION

ReOrg is our “big deal” right now … actually it should be the ONLY DEAL … and we wanted to remind everyone why given all the crazy legislative mess going on in Columbia.

It really is easy to understand.  By winning ReOrg, we are able to use the voice (and the Bully Pulpit) of our local and state GOP to get better Candidates / Elected Officials … so we can ultimately get better LEGISLATION.

We all know TRUMP would not have won the White House if Chair Ronna McDaniel & Co-Chair Drew McKissick were still in charge of the RNC.  They would have sabotaged the TRUMP Campaign from within the RNC … and we would have 4 more years of Biden / Kamala.  All the excitement out of DC would not exist if TRUMP had not replaced Ronna & Drew with our friends Michael Whatley & Lara TRUMP.

In Greenville, when our 10 Republican & 2 Democrat “liberal” County Council passed the biggest property tax increase in our history back in June 2023 … the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) got busy!!!  We produced the below PALM CARD by the tens of thousands and distributed them all across the county in our 151 Precincts.  We also officially CENSURED the 6 Republicans that voted for the tax increase – and mobilized our precincts for the June Primaries.

Do you think the general public listened MORE because it was the GCRP saying it?  We do!!!  And, they must have, because on June 11th, 2024 we flipped 3 of the 4 seats (in the 4th race our candidate had to back out last minute for family issues) … and on June 9th, 2026 we will get the other two that were not up in 2024.

ReOrg is that important!!! Get Involved!!!

BONUS CONTENT:  And, if you are curious why certain people & elected officials “oppose” us so hard (and especially me individually) … and why all the lies, slander and actual HATE?  It is because RINOs, and even folks you would think should be on our TEAM, do not want to be held accountable.  Seriously, no one wants to be held accountable … especially elected officials … and holding people accountable is the JOB of the GOP!!!  #JoinUS!!!  Join us and really WIN!!!

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Fight … or Flight?




Fight-or-flight?  There are a thousand excuses to quit, to give up.  Thankfully I hear much less of the quitting “excuses” today than I did 2 or 4 years ago (when times looked darkest) … but there are still a few good folks that have these excuses for “moving on” or refusing to participate in ReOrg … or whatever it may be … and they like to use these excuses just when we NEED their help the most.

I find it to be a curious conversation talking with like minded patriots that refuse to come to ReOrg (to vote for the MAGA / America FIRST slate).  All we are asking is for (#1) a 1 hour precinct meeting & then maybe (#2) a 3 hour meeting at county convention … both just every other year.  Is that too much to ask to Save America?

ReOrg is a process that I know is as important as (informed) voting itself.  ReOrg is our modern day version of 1776.  We aren’t asking someone to go to war … to submit to the military draft … or risk being killed.  All we are asking is to just to SHOW UP so that the things they talk about constantly (politics, saving America, their political causes, family values, bringing Christ back into the equation, etc., etc., etc.) can have a chance at success.

Do they really think things will get better if they don’t have a seat at the political table?

Some even use the excuse that they have found a better table to sit at … they know better “how” to Save America … and their “solution” is avoiding politics all together.  SMH!!!  Are you kidding me???  Yes, they think they know better than the Ancient Greek philosophers … and 2,500 years of proven history.  Again, SMH!!!  The reality is, politics impacts all of our lives in a very personal way – every day, every minute of every day!!!

HERE IS THE DEAL:  If asked by someone working hard … fighting the good fight for your liberties 24/7 … PLEASE, just make it easy for them.  Just say yes, and just show up.  It is not asking a lot.   

Or would your rather those of us willing to FIGHT would just quit to?  Yes, there are some people … even friends of mine … that like being the victim and in the losing camp all the time.  Some are old TEA Party folks.  They just want to complain, and if we / they are winning, they can’t complain.  Thankfully this is just a small minority of people, but they can often be a very vocal (and time consuming) minority.  Learn to identify them … and avoid them if they require too much time or a distraction.

Yes, I really enjoy the conversations with folks about joining us with ReOrg.  You find out pretty quick if they are FIGHT … or FLIGHT type of folks.  Most people want to help … to FIGHT for our Country and our values.  Some take a little convincing … that’s ok, ReOrg is a new idea to them.  But some, are just pure “flight”.  Try, but don’t spend too much time on them as “distractions” are bad and they won’t change no matter how much you try.  If anything, they have to wake up on their own, in their own time.  

But, what I really enjoy the most in recruiting for ReOrg, is when folks (quickly) figure out I am right … and they see that ReOrg is how we Save America … that ReOrg is A SOLUTION & A PLAN … and they tell me I will be there, and I’ll bring a friend to support the MAGA / America FIRST slate.”  Now that is a PATRIOT in my book!!!  They may not want to do it are first, but they do it because it is RIGHT.  #AmericanPATRIOT!!!  

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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D.O.G.E. (SC)?

Why Not at the SC State House?



Why Not at the SC State House?

What is happening in Washington D.C. is over the top exciting. We love the concept of the Department Of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.) … and what Elon Musk & Vivek Ramaswamy are doing.  And the timing is perfect with this whole “CR” (continuing resolution) fight going on.  Folks are seeing what is going on behind the curtain when it comes to the out of control spending.

There is soooooo much WASTE, FRAUD & ABUSE going on at the national level that it would blow your mind.  We all know that … and it is why we have over $36 TRILLION in national debt!!!

US Debt Clock:  HERE

It is great what they are doing in D.C. … but what about in South Carolina … the SC State House … or better yet in Greenville, Richland, Charleston, Horry, etc. counties???

WE … yes WE … need to DIG IN to the local government spending.  There may in fact be MORE WASTE, FRAUD & ABUSE going on at the state & local level than we have out of D.C.

We don’t know specifically how the folks at the US Debt Clock have calculated the $43 BILLION in South Carolina debt … but our bet is the real number is MUCH LARGER.  $8,048 per citizen is not chump change … and it won’t get better until we cut out the WASTE, FRAUD & ABUSE at the local level, not just the national level.

Are you ready for a D.O.G.E. SC???  

Don’t “wait” on someone else … GET INVOLVED!!!  

South Carolina Debt Clock:  HERE

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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