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FetuCider Smoothie: 1/3 Cup Fetal Remains

If you are not part of the SOLUTION, you are part of the PROBLEM!!!



If you are an old guard “establishment” person … or just one of the newbies that have gone full TRUMP derangement syndrome on mySCGOP or the America FIRST movement … think about Kawani Elizabeth Tadsen and her FetuCider Smoothie the next time you waste everybody’s time by attacking PATRIOTS or causing a scene.

Remind yourself that if you are not part of the SOLUTION, you are part of the PROBLEM!!!

3.4 MILLION views in just 3 days (HERE) … just on TWITTER … for a far-left pro-abortion activist right here in Greenville, SC, who harassed us personally at a June 24th, 2023 prayer vigil we sponsored on the anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

This is what we are fighting to EXPOSE … and old guard conservatives are upset??? Heck … the old guard got us in this mess, and they are mad at us??? Maybe mad we exposed how ineffective they were. 😉

Playing the old school petty politics of the past … voting to keep Greenville State Executive Committeeman Jeff Davis “out” of an SCGOP State Executive Meeting (HERE) …. might be fun for some 2-year-olds … but are you helping children, saving babies … or anything else productive for a better society??? Are you helping Save America???

Tired of being on the wrong side??? JOIN US!!! The door is always open. Let’s OUTGROW the “troublemakers” and people that got us in this problem in the first place.

Watch The Video:


This is Kawani during Greenville County Republican Party Prayer Walk at the Greenville abortion clinic on June 24th.

For video short, click image above or HERE.

See the LIMITED Arrest Record:

BONUS POINTS for anyone who can explain to us why our “Republican” elected law enforcement officials, in this case the Greenville County Sheriff, allows this sort of audible “assault”?  

Pro-Life prayer warriors have had hearing damage and worse from this specific person … but law enforcement won’t do anything about it.

It’s OK to allow the harassment and assault of Pro-Life Christians … but when complaints are filed against folks like Kawani Elizabeth Tadsen … law enforcement and elected officials do nothing?  And worse, they allow folks like Kawani to actively attack folks peacefully praying.

We saw and experienced it FIRST HAND on June 24th!!!

We would really love to know the legal reasoning here … or is there something more going on here?  An ulterior motive?

Remember … “Watch what they DO, not what they SAY.”

[NOTE: We are told Kawani does have a trial coming up, but arrest has not slowed her down (note smile in mugshot above) … and we are told the involvement of law enforcement only began with public expose of our Greenville Sheriff’s lack of action.  Help us understand!!!]


RULE 6 – Congressional District Organizations

Read and Learn



SCGOP Rules (v2022-07-30):  HERE

Yesterday we shared with you the CALL TO CONVENTION for the 7 SCGOP Congressional District Conventions coming up in April (HERE).   All America FIRST SCGOP State Delegates should REGISTER … and attend!!!  Consider it mandatory to #SaveSouthCarolina!!!  😉 

Well, guess what … there are 3 1/2 pages of “Rules” about these 7  SCGOP Congressional District Organizations … including details on the conventions.

We won’t repeat the entire Rule 6 here … it is 3 1/2 pages … but click below … read Rule 6 … and let us know if you have any questions or see anything interesting.  It is critical to know the RULES!!!

READ RULE 6:  “Congressional District Organization” – HERE

March 28th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Jan 19th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

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ESA Supreme Court Oral Arguments – Disaster!

Unconstitutional again??? For the THIRD time???



5 Minute YouTube Video: HERE

  • $55 MILLION for “real” School Choice READY TODAY!!!
  • S285 has already PASSED the SC Senate (28 to 9 vote)!!!
  • S285 is just sitting in the SC House waiting to be passed.
  • Could be passed, AS-IS, No Changes and be law within a week.
  • $11,000 scholarships for special needs … not $6,000 like ESA.
  • $11,000 scholarships for low income … not $6,000 like ESA.
  • 100% Constitutional … not like the ESA.
  • No Gov’t Strings Attached … not like the ESA.
  • Approved by Homeschoolers / HSLDA … not like the ESA.
  • All sides say they support it … not like the ESA.
  • Nearly UNIVERSAL School Choice!!!
  • All families up to 400% of poverty are eligible ($124,800 for a family of 4).

ESA Supreme Court Oral Arguments: This past Wednesday March 6th, the SC Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the lawsuit claiming (as we believe) that the ESA / Education Scholarship Trust Fund (ESTF) program is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

You all recall that a substantially similar ESA program was twice ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL back in 2020 … both decisions were unanimous 5 to 0 opinions … and that point was made very clear by Chief Justice Donald W. Beatty (HERE) as the hearing began.  The Chief Justice was unrelenting in his disdain for the ESA program … probably more that a judge should be in open court … but the other Justices were not very easy on the matter either.

Acting Justice, Chief Judge James E. Lockemy (HERE) of the SC Court of Appeals made a huge issue of whether the Superintendent of Education could even administer the program … based on the fact that her Constitutional Duty was to represent Public Schools.  That was a new twist, and not a good sign for the ESA pushers. 

 Watch the 1 hour & 7 minute video of the hearing yourself:  HERE

You never know what may happen … and we are sure the “politicians” electing these SC Supreme Court Justices have been working them hard to rule their “monied special interest” ESA bill is legal … but it could very well be that the SC Supreme Court rules this program unconstitutional for a third time.

The 2020 ESA decision was originally heard on September 18th, 2020, with the decision filed on October 7, 2020 … just 3 weeks later.  Legislators (and families / schools) need to know before the 2024 legislative session ends in early May, so the clock is ticking. 

Surprisingly, very few mainstream media outlets are reporting on this … but you can see what Alexander Thompson of The Post & Courier (HERE) and Seanna Adcox of the SC Daily Gazette (HERE) and Jeffrey Collins of the Associated Press (HERE) had to say about the oral arguments. 

PASS S285 – “real” School Choice:  S285 has already passed the SC Senate and is objectively “better” than the 100% Government Run / government strings attached ESA program … so why are legislators delaying???   What do we say … #FollowTheMONEY!!!

Call your SC House Legislators TODAY!!!

March 6th, 2024 Oral Arguments Video:

Watch the 1 hour, 7 minute oral arguments:  HERE

The 2020 ESA Program using the same ClassWallet (HERE) online portal was ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL as a prohibited “direct” benefit to private schools.

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/11/2024):

  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 5 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 21 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 92 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 239 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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H5164 – Universal Gov’t Run School Choice is BAD for ALL!

Bad for Homeschool & Private Schools



H5164 Bad for Homeschool & Private Schools

We have seen A LOT of “Call To Action” alerts going out on social media and via email about defeating H5164 as it includes homeschoolers in the 100% Government Run ESA Program (aka ESTF Program).

Well … that is nice … but realize if we simply get the home school provision removed … THAT IS NOT A VICTORY!!!

If H5164 … the 100% government run school choice program is bad for homeschoolers … it is equally as bad for ALL K-12 education … that includes Private & Christian Schools as well. Right?

It may feel like an “easy” win to remove homeschoolers from H5164 … heck the uniparty may have included homeschoolers just as a “red herring” to give grassroots a perceived (yet fake) win if legislators do ultimately remove homeschoolers.

Stand up for ALL kids … oppose H5164 for the right reasons … for ALL the reasons. Don’t miss the big picture in order to “feel good” about a fake win.  

We don’t want 100% government control of our education system …  PERIOD!!!  100% government control is the problem … not just the fact homeschoolers are included in this v02 of SC Superintendent Ellen Weaver & her monied special interest (i.e., ClassWallet) ESA / ESTF Program.



PASS S285: Whether some folks like it or not … the “only” solution to fighting back against 100% government run school choice is for the SC House of Representatives to pass S285 (HERE). The SC Senate has already passed it … we are just waiting for the SC House to DO SOMETHING … to pass S285 as-is, with not changes … and send it straight to the Governor for signing!!!

The (P)ACE Tax Credit Scholarship Bill is the grandaddy of school choice in our nation … and it is the “only” school program designed to FIGHT BACK against government overreach into our private schools & homeschoolers. Wouldn’t that be a good thing for SC Patriots to have on their side fighting government overreach everywhere?

Why else do you think SC House Legislators on both sides are trying to defeat it? 😉

DEFINITION: red herring (noun), something intended to distract attention from the real problem.

03/05/2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/08/2024):

  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 8 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 24 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 95 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 242 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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BREAKING … Haley OUT at 10AM




As expected, President DONALD TRUMP had a swath or crushing victories in yesterday’s SUPER TUESDAY primaries.

Haley did however win one state … VERMONT … home of Socialist US Senator Bernie Sanders.  Like her victory over the weekend in Washington, DC … it’s nothing to be super proud of (HERE).

Nikki Haley’s Campaign went “dark” for hours last night … and this morning they announced she will be suspending her campaign today at 10AM.

Watch the livestream below … 

USA Today Livestream:  HERE

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/06/2024):

  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 10 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 26 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 97 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 244 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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H5164 Universal SC Government Control of K-12 Education

Both Rep. Adam Morgan & Speaker Smith support H5164? #Uniparty?



TRICK #1 – “Red Meat” for the Republican Base:  We have seen this “show” numerous times.  The SC House establishment will put up a “red meat” bill (i.e., appeals to the Republican base) which likely has ZERO chance of going anywhere in the Senate … but establishment SC House members / leadership can CAMPAIGN on passing some real conservative legislation and point the finger at the SC Senate.  It has been done over and over and over through the years … and they did it again last Wednesday with a faux “Universal School Choice” bill, H5164.

H5164: HERE

Don’t buy it … if they really cared about “school choice”, they would have passed the $55 MILLION (P)ACE Scholarship Bill … S285 … the “real” school choice bill which has been sitting in the SC House Ways & Means Committee since March 28th, 2023 after the SC Senate set it for SPECIAL ORDER and passed it 28 to 9.  (HERE)

TRICK #2 – Not all “school choice” is the same:  There is 100% government run school choice like the ESA / H5164 … which is bad … and there is free market school choice which is run by independent conservative non-profits with NO GOVERNMENT STRINGS ATTACHED.

When anyone tells you about a “school choice” bill you FIRST question needs to be “who” administers the program?  If it is the GOVERNMENT who administers the program … be it the SC State Department of Education … or worse, the SC Department of Revenue … the bill is BAD!!!

Don’t be lazy and say “I just want school choice, I don’t really care what it is.”  There is a massive difference short-term and long-term between 100% government run / strings attached ESAs like H5164 … and “real” free-market school choice Tax Credit Scholarships like S285. 

TRICK #3 – Fast-tracked Committee Hearings:  Well, H5164 was filed out of the blue on Wednesday, February 28th … and it already has a scheduled House Sub-Committee Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th (TODAY!!!) … and a Full Committee Hearing scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th.  

Seem a little “pre-planned“???  😉 

TRICK #4 – Everybody supports the bill!!!:  Yes, this is when you know there is a real problem and the fix is in.  Remember SC First STEPS … another 100% supported, 100% government run leftist program passed in the dark of the night with lightening speed (HERE).  

Well guess what … “everybody” supports this 100% Government Run “universal school choice” bill … and when we say everybody, that means SC HOUSE LEADERSHIP and the SC FREEDOM CAUCUS.

Ask yourself … why is the SC House Freedom Caucus supporting a 100% government run anything???

Rep. Adam Morgan & Speaker Smith support H5164? Hmmm …

Folks tell us all the time that it makes no sense that the SC Freedom Caucus would support 100% Government Run ESAs … it is the complete OPPOSITE of what they preach.  Well, that is true … “freedom” is not 100% government run.

But the SCFC does support 100% government run school choice … so what gives?

It is real simple … MONEY!!!

SCFC Chairman & 4th Congressional District Candidate Rep. Adam Morgan’s (HERE) family owns an EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING FIRM called Palmetto Fortis (HERE) … and SCFC members Rep. Alan Morgan (HERE & HERE) and Rep. Josiah Magnuson (HERE HERE) both work there.

As we have shown you before, this ESA program means HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to monied special interests (HERE) … it hasn’t even started and $4.2 million has already been awarded to just one vendor, ClassWallet (HERE).

Connect the dots friends …   

MAJOR CONFLICTS OF INTEREST???:  Well, these are the questions we have been asking the Morgans and the SC Freedom Caucus up here in Greenville for well over two years with NO ANSWERS.  And it is the reason the SC Freedom Caucus has been working with Drew McKissick supporting these “splinter groups” in places like LEXINGTON & Greenville … they don’t want us asking these questions or telling you the backstory.  

Think about it … if there was nothing “wrong” going on, wouldn’t the Morgans and the SC Freedom Caucus be willing to discuss the matter???

Lawyer Legislators may be making MILLIONS off of their “special gigs” … but they are not the only ones at the SC State House shaking down taxpayers for their own personal financial benefit.

As we teach … follow the money.

Morgan Family Business – Palmetto Fortis: HERE

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/05/2024):

  • Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 – TODAY (Super Tuesday)
  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 11 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 27 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 98 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 245 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Haley Wins … Washington DC

Wining Washington, DC is nothing to be proud of!



Reuters Article:  HERE

No … wining Washington, DC is nothing to be proud of … whatsoever!!!

But that is what Nikki Haley did over the weekend … winning Washington, DC by 1,274 votes to TRUMP’s 676.   TRUMP however cleaned up in Missouri, Idaho and the Michigan Caucuses over the weekend … places where you want to win (as opposed to the SWAMP … Washington, DC).

What we found most interesting however were two quotes …

The first quote came out of the mouth of the Washington DC Republican Party (www.dcgop.comChairman Patrick Mara (HERE & HERE) who told Politico “This universe is a little more sophisticated than just about any universe in any other state”.  SAY WHAT!?!?!?  Chairman Mara continued on stating “I listen to the political podcasts in the morning. I read the newsletters throughout the day. That’s probably, like, half the people showing up at this.”  (Politico – HERE).  

Does this guy have any self awareness???

The second quote which gets into the political / mental / media manipulation … the Yahoo!News Chief National Correspondent Jon Ward called Washington, DC a state (HERE) … specifically stating Nikki Haley “won her first state in the nominating cycle with a victory in Sunday’s Washington, D.C., primaries.

Deliberate?  You decide.

SUPER TUESDAY is tomorrow … get ready!!!

Yahoo/News:  HERE

Election Day Countdown (as of 03/04/2024):

  • Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 – TOMORROW (Super Tuesday)
  • Saturday, March 16th @ Noon – 12 days (SC Filing Opens)
  • Monday, April 1st @ Noon – 28 days (SC Filing Closes)
  • Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 – 99 days (SC Primaries)
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2024 – 246 (ELECTION DAY)

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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